March 14th, 2024

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:11pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call                                                                       -Lane Heatherwick

Lane called the roll. There were 10 directors, and 28 members and guests present.


Secretary's Report                                                     -Andy Rousonelos

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Russ announced a correction, the Tractor Supply Day is to be held in June, not March as listed. Jean made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Brian seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                       -Fred Lestina

Fred reported we had income of $200 from dues, $105 in donations, and $300 from the website banner. Expenses included $792.50 for 3000 show half sheets, 1000 handout cards, and 500 raffle tickets. Ron made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Jean, and it was passed by all present.


Old Business

Fred reported that the show directory books arrived, and our listing was correct this year. He has books for sale for anybody interested.

Brad announced that we had 72 people in attendance to Terry Seggebruch’s collection tour, and that Terry enjoyed having everybody over to view it. We thanked him with a toy tractor with a custom decal with our logo.

The Manhattan Irish Parade was a success, with many people in attendance who recognize our show and wanted half sheets and handouts to save the date. The fliers ran out ¾ way through the parade. Thank you to Grant for a hayrack, Bob, Bev, and Jean for decorating, Charlie, Jess, Pam, Alan, Helen, Tess, Lili, Jay, Ron, Russ, Jim, Emily, Allison, Brian, and Jeff for their help in passing out fliers and candy.

Russ offered a report on the Peotone FFA Alum auction. We were placed at a table in a different spot this year, which had lower traffic. Russ & Sharon sold 66 tractor tickets and 30 toolset tickets.

Brad announced that the Serena FFA Toy Show also had us placed in a different spot than usual. He sold 197 tractor tickets and 53 toolset tickets. He also mentioned that he spoke to several J.I. Case collectors who are interested in coming to the show and are considering bringing tractors and equipment.

Charlie, Ron, & Bob have been busy working on the club items that were donated around Christmas. They have gotten all the items assembled and got the John Deere LUC engine running. It was determined that it was a power unit on a John Deere 12A combine.

Brad reminded everybody that it is time to start selling banners and looking for sponsors for the show for 2024.

The club received a letter from the Old Wheel Show in Princeton. They loved our show, especially our kids’ tent. They asked about borrowing our kids’ activities, but it was decided that the club will not be lending our kids games out to other shows. Bob offered that any club interested in our kids’ games can come and take pictures and notes to make their own. Another club in Claypool, IN has been following our show on Facebook and is extremely impressed. They plan to come this year and take notes to improve their show. They will hold their show August 2-3.

We have received numerous suggestions that we need a porta-potty that has a Baby Changing station inside as we have more families in attendance. Fred will check with Lee’s Rental to see if we can add a few more porta-potties with them equipped.

New Business

Lane offered a tractor ride update, the original route was scrapped, and a new one was mapped. The police have approved it, and Lane, Jim, & Andy would be running it again to verify no changes would be needed. He mentioned that he was in the process of contacting the road commissioners for each township. The ride will leave from the showground, with the first break at the Green Garden Township church. A second stop will be at Scott Kestel’s shop, Kestel Wire Products, where we will see demonstrations of his machinery. Lunch will be held at Brian Kestels farm, which will include a Hog Roast, Mac-N-Cheese, coleslaw, and Cornbread. After lunch we will go to Dave Kestels farm for a picture, and to the afternoon break at the Manhattan Township garage. We will return to the showground from there. The ride will be approximately 33 miles, and we are working on the final price.

Steve Tordai has offered to bring his horses for free in exchange for a tent to cover their area and provide some well needed shade. Brad and Fred looked into the cost of a 40x40 tent, and it would cost roughly the same amount as we usually pay for them. Steve also mentioned that he is looking to do more fieldwork with his horses and has asked for a designated area to plow away from the tractors. His uncle will be bringing a pull type combine with a power unit and he plans to pull it with the horses.

Brad reported that he has spoken to 4 FFA adivisors so far about the human tractor pull and has sent them the preliminary rules. They are all in agreement. He has appointed Dave Kestel to be the chairman of the FFA pull.

Andy gave an update to the club’s wheel packer that is being fixed up. Lane and Jeff Brandau cleaned all of the rocks and dirt out and loaded it to Lane’s trailer to haul to Anzelc Welding. It only needs a few minor repairs and will need at least half of the tires replaced. The work has been started, but it is a long way from done. The club is still looking for donations towards the repairs, and any donation over $100 qualifies the donor’s name to be listed on the side of the packer.

The Peotone consignment sale will be held on April 6, Russ & Sharon Jacobs and Charlie & Jean Kestel will be selling raffle tickets during it.

Brad introduced several new members, including Russel McClenning from Granville. Russel and Brian met at the Central States Threshermens show, and Russel collects Case tractors. He has offered to donate a well-cared for Woods Bros threshing machine to the club, and reports that it has always been shedded and would be a good fit for a gas tractor to run. Dennis and Andy will go out to look at it before we accept his generous offer.

It has been asked if the club should continue to look for pedal tractors that match the show feature each year, or if just a plain pedal tractor should be raffled off. There were arguments made both ways, that the matching pedal tractors always keep the theme consistent, but often have to be bought, used and restored before the raffle. Russ made a motion to purchase new pedal tractors, regardless of the year’s theme. Ron seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Jess reported that she has been working on the tractor drive and show hats. She brought an example of the tractor ride hats and mentioned that we were buying a hat style that was being discontinued, and the price was favorable. She also announced that Minooka invited is to their Memorial Day parade on May 27. She says that our merchandise on Bonfire is still selling, and it is at no cost to us, we receive the profits after items are made and shipped to the buyers.


Open Discussuon:

Jerry Kinsella reported that he and his wife attended the Florida Flywheelers show with Larry Marek, and it was an impressive show that they recommend everybody should see.

Brad announced that Jack Toepper had a stroke and was recovering. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Larry and was passed by all present.


April 11 Wilton Church Hall 7 PM

May 9 Wilton Church Hall 7 PM

Upcoming Events

Slow Boys Tractor Ride                                                      Crescent City, IL       June 1-2

WCTA Tractor Drive                                                          WCTA Showground, June 8

TSC Tractor Discovery Day                                               TSC New Lenox,       June 15

Rockville covered bridge tractor ride                               Rockville, IN              June 29-30

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


April 11th, 2024


February 8th, 2024