September 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order                                                                  -Alan Heatherwick

  • Our club picnic began at 1:00pm with President Alan Heatherwick leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and then asking a blessing on the food that was brought in by everyone present.

  • There was no chance that anyone would go home hungry! Fred did his usual job of cooking brats, burgers, and hot dogs to perfection.

  • As people arrived, they were asked to register for the door prizes, and see Henry and Ron, the two directors who were supervising the voting for the new directors.

  • We had 50 plus people present and enjoyed visiting with each other in the dry confines of the shed.

  • Since Charlie & Jean were unable to enjoy their ride in the Parade of Power, as King and Queen, the club presented them with a plaque honoring them, and also presented them with a garden bench, made from some of the planks sawn on our mill, at this year’s show. They both thanked everyone for that beautiful gift.

  • Alan then took the time to explain, that due to health, he would like to give up the president position. He thanked everyone for all the support he received in the past. He thought our club was in a very good place, and he would consider staying on as a director.

Roll Call                                                                          -Brad Eike

After everyone’s hunger was satisfied, Brad called the roll to start our short meeting. He found 11 directors and 39 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report                                                                   -Charlie Kestel

There was no report given at this shortened meeting.

Treasure's Report                                                                    -Fred Lestina

There was no report given at this meeting.

Old Business

Mecum made a $1500 donation to our show, and now they have asked our club if we could provide 5 people to be parking attendants at the George Schaaf Auction, each of the 3 days, September 29 – October 1. Brad will line up the volunteers.

New Business

  • This year was unusual, as we had eight candidates running for five director positions. The outgoing directors, who’s terms were up, were Alan Heatherwick, Brad Eike, Fred Lestina Jr., Larry Marek, and Terry Donovan. While the “vote counting committee” was in the man cave counting votes, Jean took the opportunity to draw the tickets for the door prizes. When the votes were counted, we had our five new directors, who were Alan Heatherwick, Andy Rousonelos, Brad Eike, Brian Kestel, and Fred Listena, Jr.

  • Then all the directors got together in the barn and decided among themselves who would hold what office. Brad will be our new president, Lane will be vice president, Charlie will remain secretary, and Fred will still be treasurer for the coming year.

Brad’s Comments

Brad, as the voice of the club, wishes to thank everyone who brought all the delicious food, also many thanks go to Charlie and Jean for hosting the picnic, with the help of some good volunteers. We also wish to thank Jess Crane for all of the hard work she put in to help make our club, and the 60th show a success. Last, but not least, a standing ovation goes to Al, for all the hard work and dedication he has put in, to make our club run smoothly.


The meeting ended, and the picnic continued….

Upcoming Events

The next member meeting will be October 13, 2022 at 7PM at the Wilton Federated Church

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


October 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes


August 4, 2022 Meeting Minutes